The Importance Of Sleep As A Beauty Essential To Skin Wellness And Beauty Needs

by Dr Catherine Hood


A good night’s sleep is described as getting your beauty sleep for good reason. Research shows that even one bad night doesn’t do wonders for your face and skin. A study in which 40 observers were asked to rate 20 facial photographs for tiredness, facial cues and sadness. The faces they were asked to rate were those who had slept normally or those who had a sleep deprived night following only five hours sleep. The faces of sleep deprived people were perceived as having more hanging eye lids, redder eyes, more swollen eyes, paler skin, more wrinkles/fine lines and more droopy corners to the mouth.

Another study involving 25 participants photographed after 2 days of sleep deprivation and their photographs rated by 122 people showed that sleep deprived individuals were rated as less attractive, less healthy and sleepier.

Facial communication is important in everyday life so these signs of sleep deprivation can have important impacts on work and social life. In this study the raters of the photographs said they would be less inclined to interact with sleep deprived individuals.


So, a poor night’s sleep could have a more important impact than you might have imagined. Sleep is a time when your skin – particularly the epidermis – repairs itself. During sleep the blood flow to the skin increases, repairing damage from sun and pollution exposure and rebuilds collagen. Collagen helps to prevent sagging.

Sleep also delivers replenishing fluid to all areas of the body that need it including the eyes and lips, while removing excess fluid from other areas like under the eyes. Reduced sleep can create bags under the eyes (unwanted fluid that has not been removed during sleep). Without the opportunity that 7 to 8 hours that sleep gives, your skin ages faster and doesn’t recover so well from the environmental pollutants of the day.

Poor sleep also leads to stress and vice versa. Stress leads to increased production of the stress hormone cortisol which can also impact on the skin’s quality through increasing inflammation and destabilising the immune system. This can aggravate skin problems like acne and eczema.

So, be sure to try to get a good night’s sleep. Stick also to your daily skin care routine. Eat a healthy diet, keep well hydrated and get plenty of exercise, outdoors if you can.


To improve sleep and bust stress try a quality, seed to shelf CBD oil supplement such as Dragonfly CBD. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognised that CBD, such as Dragonfly CBD may have the potential to help with sleep issues.

Evidence of benefit in sleep is related to CBD having a calming effect in the central nervous system, mediated by CBD’s interaction with the CBD 1 and 2 receptors, amongst others. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 70 healthy people found that CBD reduced the time to fall asleep and improved sleep efficiency.

In a clinical trial involving 72 adult patients, CBD oil improved anxiety scores and sleep scores within the first month. Acute administration of CBD has been shown to reduce resting blood pressure and the blood pressure increase to stress in humans, associated with increased heart rate. Two systematic reviews of the scientific literature has suggested a benefit for CBD in anxiety.

Dragonfly CBD is a high-quality CBD oil product which has passed rigorous tests of quality and safety by the Centre for Medical Cannabis (CMC) – related to CBD content, labelling, no contaminants, batch number identity and use-by-date on every pack.

Dragonfly CBD does not contain THC the compound in cannabis associated with the ‘high’. Buyers can be assured that DragonflyCBD is a product of high quality, integrity and safety. DragonflyCBD® is available over the counter as a food supplement. It was the first cannabis-derived product to be sold in a number of respected retailers, including Boots, Tesco & Sainsbury’s.

DragonflyCBD – New Flavours Launched

The DragonflyCBD® portfolio also includes a limited-edition range of four new flavoured variants:

  • Orange
  • Mint
  • Anise
  • Cinnamon

The new DragonflyCBD® Flavoured Range of Oils are available via and join the existing DragonflyCBD® range, which is currently also available in via retail – Boots, Sainsbury’s and Tesco, plus the company’s e-commerce platform –

The four new limited edition DragonflyCBD® Flavoured Range of Oils are formulated with 500mg Narrow-Spectrum CBD extract per 10ml bottle.

With a lighter taste and consistency, the new flavoured oils from DragonflyCBD® are an ideal base for taking on the punchy natural flavourings used in this range.

Summary of DragonflyCBD® products

For more information please contact:
Nicky Smith:; 07867 513 361
Sophie Woolford :; 07825 347 446

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