Businesses alienating customers in the rush for digital transformation

  • Most UK adults (58%) feel businesses are too eager to digitise their offering, without proper thought for whether users can adapt
  • 60% feel too much technology is developed without any proper thought for how it will be used
  • 55% say new tech products are overhyped, rarely offering something innovative or new

Businesses are failing to strike the right balance between innovation and user experience, according to new research from Studio Graphene

The digital agency commissioned an independent survey of 2,000 UK adults. It found the majority (58%) feel that businesses are too eager to move to new digital platforms without properly considering whether users will be able to adapt to the new system.

Three in five (60%) believe technology is developed without due thought as to how it will be used, while 55% think businesses are guilty of hyping up new technology products, which improve only modestly on what is already on the market.

Studio Graphene’s research highlights a clear preference among consumers for simplicity and clarity when engaging with tech, over enhanced functionality in the platform or service. Most (54%) UK adults said they would rather use a less advanced platform that had been designed well – rising to 61% among over-55s. 

New tech platforms and products are themselves struggling to leave a mark on UK consumers, with just one in three (34%) looking forward to the next generation of innovations – rising to only 46% among 18- to 34-year-olds.

Ritam Ghandi, founder and director of Studio Graphene, said: “Supercharged by the pandemic, the pace of tech innovation in recent years has been remarkable. But, amidst all the ‘digital transformation’, it’s worth pausing to consider whether consumers are along for the ride. 

“Our research shows fatigue is setting in. While many businesses are evidently guilty of over-hyping their new tech, the majority of consumers are left underwhelmed. By and large, people want tech that’s simple-to-use and easy-to-understand. And this is a timely reminder for businesses; as tech becomes more advanced, the skill lies in creating compelling solutions whose beauty lies in their simplicity and the value they add, rather than immense functionality that ruins the user experience. 

“No one is putting the brakes on innovation – we just need to ensure it is headed in the right direction. So, as we speed towards Web3 and the Metaverse, now is the time to emphasise how smarter design facilitates great experiences and keeps the user coming back for more.”

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